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Reiki FAQ Page

Many people come to us with questions about Reiki energy, Reiki sessions, Reiki classes, and our practice. Please explore these FAQs and let us know if you have any other questions we have not addressed here.

General Reiki Questions:

What is Reiki?

Is Reiki safe?

Do I have to believe in Reiki for it to work?

Is Reiki a religion?

Reiki Session Questions:

What do I need to do to prepare for an in-person Reiki session?

What is a distant healing session?

What does Reiki feel like?

What are the benefits of Reiki?

What is an energy block?

Does Reiki work with the chakras?

Do you work with crystals or gemstones during a Reiki session?

What is a love offering?

Reiki Class Questions:

What is the difference between a Reiki session and a Reiki I class?

Can anyone learn Reiki?

What is an attunement?

How many students can attend a Reiki class?

What do I need to do to prepare for a Reiki I class?

Do I need to do a detox or stop drinking caffeine before taking a Reiki I class?

What is the difference between a Reiki I class and a Reiki II class?

Can I take a Reiki II class with you if I have taken a Reiki I class with another Reiki Master?

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced as ray-key) is a Japanese word which means "Universal Life Energy." This energy gently speeds up your natural healing process. Learn more about Reiki.

Is Reiki safe?

Yes. It is a natural, non-invasive hands-on-healing method. Reiki easily and gently clears energy blocks in your mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical body at a pace that is best for you. In fact, many hospitals offer Reiki to facilitate healing.

Do I have to believe in Reiki for it to work?

No. Reiki energy is Universal Life Energy which means it works with all life including including skeptical people, unconscious patients, babies, plants, and animals. Regardless of belief or awareness, Reiki works. It works on an energetic level, so belief systems are not involved.

Is Reiki a religion?

No. Reiki is a natural healing method a person can practice on themselves or others after taking a Reiki I class from a qualified Reiki Master. Reiki requires no belief system. You don't have to have any particular religious beliefs to practice Reiki or to receive a Reiki treatment.

What do I need to do to prepare for an in-person Reiki session?

The most important way you can prepare for a Reiki session is to have an open mind. Schedule your appointment through the Contact Us page at least 2 weeks in advance. For your in-person session, wear comfortable clothes, but avoid wearing accessories and fragrances. ** Note: Due to COVID-19, we are not offering in-person Reiki sessions. **

What is a distant healing healing session?

A distant healing session is a complete Reiki session for someone who is not physically in contact with a Reiki practitioner. It is for someone who would like a full two-hour session but cannot attend in person. First, we talk on the phone or Zoom about what you would like assistance with. Then, one of us will spiritually connect with you to let the Reiki energy flow. Your body will pull through the energy you need, while we assist you with your healing process and guide you through the session. Learn more about distant healing sessions. Contact Us to schedule a distant healing session.

What does Reiki feel like?

Physically, you will feel the light, gentle pressure and warmth that comes from through your Reiki practitioner's hands. Most feel it as loving, warm, flowing energy. Many also feel the effects after a session - They feel lighter and as though a heavy weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Most people feel very relaxed during and after a Reiki session.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki offers many mental, physical, and spiritual benefits. Every experience is different. In general, people may experience accelerated healing, reduced stress and pain, and increased awareness and insights. Explore our page on P.E.A.C.E - the benefits of Reiki.

What is an energy block?

An energy block is energy that is partially stuck in a part of someone's body, mind, or spirit. Similar to a kink in a garden hose that prevents water from flowing freely, an energy block prevents personal energy from flowing. Reiki helps to easily and gently clear energy blocks from your mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical layers. Once the block is cleared, the energy in your body can naturally flow, bringing you more harmony and balance.

Does Reiki work with the chakras?

Yes. The Reiki energy will easily and gently bring them into balance during a Reiki session. Reiki will clear, energize, or balance the chakras depending on what your body needs at the time.

Do you work with crystals or gemstones during a Reiki session?

No. We don't find them necessary. The energy of Reiki is very powerful and takes care of what you need during each session easily and gently. So, please don't wear them or have them in your purse or pockets during your Reiki session.


What is a love offering?

A love offering is a monetary donation. It allows us to maintain our practice and share Reiki with the community. It is also a form of energy exchange that you feel moved to give for what you received during your Reiki session. This keeps the energy in balance between both parties, with no one feeling that they owe the other anything more. Discover more about love offerings.


What is the difference between a Reiki session and a Reiki I class?

  • A Reiki session is an individual session that typically lasts two hours. During the session, the Reiki energy flows through a practitioner to you. The Reiki energy, along with the practitioner's guidance and intuition, assists you with your healing process concerning your individual issues, situations, health conditions, or impediments to your goals. Your body, gently and easily, pulls in the Reiki energy at a pace that is best for you. Learn more about our Reiki sessions.

  • A Reiki I class, on the other hand, typically takes about 14 hours and is usually held during a weekend. Only a Reiki Master can teach a Reiki class. In a class, you get attuned to Reiki energy and learn how to do Reiki on yourself and others. Learn more about Reiki classes.

Can anyone learn Reiki?
Yes. Anyone can learn how to do Reiki. Once you are attuned by a Reiki Master, you can do Reiki on yourself and others. For more information on Reiki classes, click here.

What is an attunement?

It is an initiation to the Reiki energy. It is a sacred process that a Reiki Master performs to connect a student with the Reiki energy. This sacred process aligns the student's energy system to flow the Reiki energy. Click here for more info.

How many students can attend a Reiki class?

In general, we like to have small classes so we can connect with each person. Due to COVID-19, we are only holding private classes for those who have already been working with us. Classes will be held for one student only with protections based on the CDC recommendations.

What do I need to do to prepare for a Reiki I class?

Anyone can take a Reiki I class, but we do prefer our students schedule a Reiki session first. Our Reiki I class is $150, and we do require payment at the time of the class. We schedule all classes at least four weeks in advance, so contact us early to secure your place. We will provide all the information you need to prepare for your class at that time.

Try to avoid reading any information about Reiki online. We will cover everything you need to know in class. Plan to attend with an open and willing mind to get the most out of our introductory Reiki class.

Do I need to do a detox or stop drinking caffeine before taking a Reiki I class?

You do not need to, but you can if you want. Healthy lifestyle choices can help you feel healthier, sharper, and clearer during your class. If you choose to adjust your lifestyle, please do it at a pace that is best for you, and check with your health care provider for safety guidelines.

What is the difference between a Reiki I class and a Reiki II class?

  • In a Reiki I class, you learn the history of Reiki as well as the basic Reiki hand positions for treating yourself and others.

  • In a Reiki II class, you learn many things including how to send Reiki over a distance to someone not physically in the room with you and how to send Reiki to help heal various situations.

Can I take a Reiki II class with you if I have taken a Reiki I class with another Reiki Master?

Possibly. It depends on what system you came from, what you covered in your Reiki I class, and how much experience you have doing Reiki I sessions. We will advise you on what we feel is best. You may need to take one of our Reiki I classes first.

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